Aitken, Lee, Teo, Eu-Jin. Commercial Law Association of Australia; 2020. A contractual oxymoron? The enforcement of the negative stipulation in employment and financial contracts.
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Aitken, Lee. LexisNexis; 2020. Bankruptcy, escheat and the mortgagee's interest and topics "as clear as mud" in theory, but simple in practice!.
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Aitken, Lee. LexisNexis; 2020. Out with “moral obloquy”! The present (precarious) status of pure (sic) “asset lending”1 : Jams 2 Pty Ltd v Stubbings.
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Gardiner, Christie, Aitken, Lee. LexisNexis Butterworths; 2022. Rebutting the presumption of intentional revocation of a Will by destruction: An examination of electronically signed and remotely witnessed Wills.