Abrasion model of downstream changes in grain shape and size along the Williams River, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Abrasion wear resistance of wall lining materials in bins and chutes during iron ore mining
Number of Objects: 1
Abrasion wear tester for bulk solids handling applications
Number of Objects: 1
Abrogation of type-I interferon signalling alters the microglial response to Aß<sub>1-42</sub>
Number of Objects: 1
Absence of airway inflammation in a large proportion of adolescents with asthma
Number of Objects: 1
Absence of short-term vestibular modulation of muscle sympathetic outflow, assessed by brief galvanic vestibular stimulation in awake human subjects
Number of Objects: 1
Absence of toll-IL-1 receptor 8/single immunoglobulin IL-1 receptor-related molecule reduces house dust mite-induced allergic airway inflammation in mice
Number of Objects: 1
Absent contrast filling of ipsilateral superficial middle cerebral vein predicts midline shift in acute middle cerebral artery occlusion
Number of Objects: 1
Absent filling of ipsilateral superficial middle cerebral vein is associated with poor outcome after reperfusion therapy
Number of Objects: 2
Absolute cardiovascular risk and GP decision making in TIA and minor stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Absolute cardiovascular risk assessment by Australian early-career general practitioners: a cross-sectional study.
Number of Objects: 1
An Absolute Mass, Precise Age, and Hints of Planetary Winds for WASP-121A and b from a JWST NIRSpec Phase Curve
Number of Objects: 1
Absolute norms on vector lattices
Number of Objects: 1
Absorbing sets and cycles
Number of Objects: 1
Absorptive capacity in strategic alliances with Chinese firms: implications for strategic management education
Number of Objects: 1
Absorptive laser threshold magnetometry: combining visible diamond Raman lasers and nitrogen-vacancy centres
Number of Objects: 1
Abstract sculpture or colonial monument? Deception and reception in the commemorative landscape of Newcastle, Australia, 1970 to 2020
Number of Objects: 1
The abundance of a transfer rna-derived rna fragment small rna subpopulation is enriched in cauda spermatozoa
Number of Objects: 1
Abuse of the older person: is this the case you missed last shift?
Number of Objects: 2
An AC microgrid architecture and control strategy to achieve stability with any type of load
Number of Objects: 2
AC motor instrumentation and main air gap flux measurement for fault diagnostics
Number of Objects: 2
Acacia pendula (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae) in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales: Cunningham’s Collection from April 1825 and its Implications
Number of Objects: 1
Acacia pendula (Weeping Myall) in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales: early explorers' journals, database records and habitat assessments raise doubts over naturally occurring populations
Number of Objects: 1
Acacia wollarensis (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae sect. Botrycephalae), a distinctive new species endemic to the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
An academia-industry collaborative teaching and learning model for software engineering education
Number of Objects: 2
Academic administration: becoming involved
Number of Objects: 1
Academic and personal problems among Australian university students who drink at hazardous levels: web-based survey
Number of Objects: 2
The academic conceptualisation of ethical clothing: could it account for the attitude behaviour gap
Number of Objects: 1
Academic developers' perceptions of support for sessional staff in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity and computing assessments
Number of Objects: 2
Academic integrity and professional integrity in computing education
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity in legal education
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity in non-text based disciplines
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity in the muslim world: a conceptual map of challenges of culture
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity perceptions regarding computing assessments and essays
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity policies in a computing education context
Number of Objects: 2
Academic Integrity: An Educative and Equitable Approach in Enabling Pathway Programs
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity: an educative and equitable approach in enabling pathway programs
Number of Objects: 2
Academic integrity: differences between design assessments and essays
Number of Objects: 1
Academic integrity: differences between programming assessments and essays
Number of Objects: 1
Academic knowledge and contemporary poverty: the politics of homelessness research
Number of Objects: 2
The academic labour of knowledge mobilization: What scholarly publishers need to know
Number of Objects: 1
Academic labour on-the-move
Number of Objects: 1
Academic literacy diagnostic assessment in the first semester of first year at university
Number of Objects: 2
Academic outcomes from between-class achievement grouping: the Australian primary context
Number of Objects: 1
The academic outcomes of first-in-family in an Australian university: An exploratory study
Number of Objects: 1
The academic outcomes of first-in-family in an Australian university: an exploratory study.
Number of Objects: 2
An academic review of current industrial and commercial cyber security social engineering solutions
Number of Objects: 1
Academic source code plagiarism detection by measuring program behavioral similarity
Number of Objects: 1
Academic staff perceptions of students' motivation and participation in architectural education
Number of Objects: 1
Academic work: a sessionalised future?
Number of Objects: 1
Academic zombies: a failure of resistance or a means of survival?
Number of Objects: 2
Academics, cultural workers and critical labour studies
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerated convergence of Newton-Raphson method using a least squares approximation of the consistent tangent matrix
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerated hydrothermal ageing of Pd/Al₂O₃ for catalytic combustion of ventilation air methane
Number of Objects: 2
Accelerated internationalization and resource leverage strategizing: the case of Chinese wind turbine manufacturers
Number of Objects: 2
An accelerated introduction to memetic algorithms
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerated label setting algorithms for the elementary resource constrained shortest path problem
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerated low water corrosion of steel piling in harbours
Number of Objects: 2
Accelerated sea-level rise limits vegetation capacity to sequester soil carbon in coastal wetlands: a study case in southeastern Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerated transformation of plastic furniture into microplastics and nanoplastics by fire
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerating Code Search with Deep Hashing and Code Classification
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerating federated edge learning
Number of Objects: 1
The accelerating invasion: dispersal rates of cane toads at an invasion front compared to an already-colonized location
Number of Objects: 2
Accelerating measles and rubella elimination through research and innovation - findings from the measles & Rubella initiative research prioritization process, 2016
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerating the circular economy: a City Scan benchmark for the Hunter and Central Coast
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerating the Development of Measles and Rubella Microarray Patches to Eliminate Measles and Rubella: Recent Progress, Remaining Challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Acceleration kinematics in cricketers: implications for performance in the field
Number of Objects: 1
Acceleration-based running intensities of professional rugby league match play
Number of Objects: 1
Accelerometer-measured physical activity among older adults in urban India: Results of a study on global AGEing and adult health substudy
Number of Objects: 1
Accentuate the positives, but don't necessarily eliminate the negatives: a cross-sectional survey of junior doctor psychiatry terms
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability and appropriateness of a clinical pathway for managing anxiety and depression in cancer patients: a mixed methods study of staff perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
The acceptability and efficacy of a group cognitive behavioural therapy programme in a community mental health setting
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability and feasibility of cognitive assessments with adults with primary brain cancer and brain metastasis: A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability and Feasibility of Telehealth Outpatient Video-Link Consultations: A National Cross-Sectional Survey of Surgeons Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability and receipt of preventive care for chronic-disease health risk behaviors reported by clients of community mental health services
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptability of a multicomponent intervention for Australian carers of people with dementia
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of a telehealth intervention for dementia carers in regional and rural Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of a touch screen tablet psychosocial survey administered to radiation therapy patients in Japan
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of a urinary continence promotion programme to women in postpartum
Number of Objects: 1
The acceptability of alcohol intoxication management services to users: a mixed methods study
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of alcohol supply to children: associations with adults' own age of initiation and social norms
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of an emotional and behavioural screening tool for children in Aboriginal community controlled health services in urban NSW
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptability of proactive telephone recruitment to a telephone support service to encourage healthy eating, physical activity and weight loss
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptability of real-time video counselling compared to other behavioural interventions for smoking cessation in rural and remote areas
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptability of terrorism risks and prioritising protective measures for key infrastructure
Number of Objects: 2
The acceptability to Aboriginal Australians of a family-based intervention to reduce alcohol-related harms
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptability, usefulness, and satisfaction with a web-based video-tailored physical activity intervention: The TaylorActive randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptable flood risk in residential land-uses in Ipswich, Queensland
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptable risk criteria for infrastructure protection
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptance and commitment therapy for anxious children and adolescents: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptance and commitment therapy for children: a systematic review of intervention studies
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptance and commitment therapy in the treatment of anxiety: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptance and commitment therapy versus cognitive behavior therapy for children with anxiety: outcomes of a randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
Acceptance and use predictors of fitness wearable technology and intention to recommend: an empirical study
Number of Objects: 1
Acceptance of clinical decision support systems in Saudi healthcare organisations
Number of Objects: 1