Joint User and Data Detection in Grant-Free NOMA With Attention-Based BiLSTM Network
Number of Objects: 1
Jointly Modeling Behavioral and EEG Measures of Proactive Control in Task Switching
Number of Objects: 1
Joseph Michael Gandy: architectural solutions to the political crisis of the early nineteenth-century Britain
Number of Objects: 1
Jostling for position: a sociology of allied health
Number of Objects: 2
Journal impact factor and its importance for AFP
Number of Objects: 2
Journal peer review: comparing the perceptions and quality judgments of experienced Australian reviewers in education and the physical sciences
Number of Objects: 1
Journalism, A Love Story
Number of Objects: 1
Journalists and their audience: a changing relationship?
Number of Objects: 1
Journalists on journalism: print journalists' discussion of their creative process
Number of Objects: 1
A journey of discovery
Number of Objects: 1
A journey of socialising the risks associated with global warming: a Gandhian insight into Schumacher's total accounting and accountability
Number of Objects: 2
A Journey past the sun: group art psychotherapy for people with melanoma: An investigation using narrative and immunological and psychosocial measures
Number of Objects: 1
Journey to become a nurse leader mentor: past, present and future influences
Number of Objects: 2
Journeys of creation: experiencing the unknown, the other and authenticity as an epiphany of the self
Number of Objects: 1
Journeys of discovery in volunteer tourism: international case study perspectives
Number of Objects: 2
Journeys unknown: Embodiment, affect, and living with being “lost” and “found”
Number of Objects: 1
JTD special edition 'Hot Topics in COPD': the microbiome in COPD
Number of Objects: 2
Juan Battista Villalpando: Solomon's Temple and the architectural metaphor
Number of Objects: 1
Juan Bautista Villalpando and the nature and science of architectural drawing
Number of Objects: 1
Juan Bautista Villalpando’s Ezechielem Explanationes: a sixteenth-century architectural text
Number of Objects: 2
Judas Iscariot, betrayal and idolatry
Number of Objects: 2
Judge v robot? Artificial intelligence and judicial decision making
Number of Objects: 2
Judges, technology and artificial intelligence: the artificial judge
Number of Objects: 1
Judging a book by its cover: Examining reader reception of peritexts in Queer Young Adult literature
Number of Objects: 1
Judging approachability on the face of it: the influence of face and body expressions on the perception of approachability
Number of Objects: 1
Judging taste and creating value: the cultural consecration of Australian wines
Number of Objects: 1
Judicial and lawyer interventions in trials of child sexual assault
Number of Objects: 1
Judicial astrology in theory and practice in later medieval Europe
Number of Objects: 1
Judicial fictions and the fictive feminists: re-imagination as feminist critique in PGA v The Queen
Number of Objects: 1
Judicial involvement in settlement conferences: opportunities and issues
Number of Objects: 1
The judicial scholar and the scholarly judge: extra-curial writing and intellectual independence on the High Court
Number of Objects: 1
Judicial warnings about unreliable evidence: why, when and how?
Number of Objects: 1
The juggernaut effect: community resistance and the politics of urban motor-racing events
Number of Objects: 1
Juggling print and online editions: exploring the factors behind the development and allocation of editorial content for the Newcastle Herald's print and online publications
Number of Objects: 2
Julia Kristeva, Marx and the singularity of Paul
Number of Objects: 1
Julie Bartholomew's transitional bodies
Number of Objects: 2
Julius Caesar (review)
Number of Objects: 1
A jump filter for uncertain dynamic systems with dropouts
Number of Objects: 1
Jump-landing mechanics in patellar tendinopathy in elite youth basketballers
Number of Objects: 1
Jumping the gun: smoking constituent BaP causes premature primordial follicle activation and impairs oocyte fusibility through oxidative stress
Number of Objects: 2
Jumping, rotating, and flapping: the atomic-scale motion of thiophene on Cu(111)
Number of Objects: 2
Jung's psychology and Deleuze's philosophy: the unconscious in learning
Number of Objects: 1
Junior Doctor Evaluation of Radiation Oncology Education and Training in Medical Schools and Prevocational Training in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Junior medical doctors’ decision making when using advance care directives to guide treatment for people with dementia: a cross-sectional vignette study
Number of Objects: 1
Junior Medical Officers’ knowledge of advance care directives and substitute decision making for people without decision making capacity: a cross sectional survey
Number of Objects: 1
Juries in the Digital Age: Managing Juror Online and Social Media Use During Trial
Number of Objects: 1
Jus sanguinis: the root of contention in determining what is an Australian Aboriginal business
Number of Objects: 2
"Just 'cause we're singers and we always sing": the emerging singing cultures of young children in Australia and Hawai'i
Number of Objects: 2
Just a dream: a partial re-solution of Agatha Christie's 'And then there were none': A case of almost, but not quite, getting the job done
Number of Objects: 1
Just add hours? An assessment of pre-service teachers' perception of the value of professional experience in attaining teacher competencies
Number of Objects: 1
"Just get on with it": qualitative insights of coming to terms with a deteriorating body for older women with ostearthritis
Number of Objects: 1
Just how high-risk are ongoing smokers? Exploring clusters of health risk behaviours among current and ex-smokers
Number of Objects: 2
Just how safe is assisted reproductive technology for treating, male factor infertility? (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
Just one method among others: examining long-acting reversible contraception (non-)use
Number of Objects: 1
Just quick and cheap? Civil dispute resolution and technology
Number of Objects: 1
Just Say Sex
Number of Objects: 1
A just transition to sustainability in a climate change hot spot: the Hunter Valley, Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Just work as a team: reconstructing family inclusion from parent, carer and practitioner perspectives: family inclusion research report
Number of Objects: 1
Just ‘nanging’ around – harmful nitrous oxide use: a retrospective case series and review of Internet searches, social media posts and the coroner's database
Number of Objects: 1
Justice and care in the city: uncovering everyday practices through research volunteering
Number of Objects: 1
Justice Carolyn Simpson and women’s changing place in the legal profession: ‘Yes, you can!’
Number of Objects: 1
Justice delayed is justice denied
Number of Objects: 1
Justice-centred curriculum: decolonising educational practices to create lateral learning spaces online
Number of Objects: 1
A Justified Plan Graph (JPG) grammar approach to identifying spatial design patterns in an architectural style
Number of Objects: 2
A justified plan graph analysis of the early houses (1975-1982) of Glenn Murcutt
Number of Objects: 2
Justifying business responses to climate change: discursive strategies of similarity and difference
Number of Objects: 1
Juvenile recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: 10-year audit and Australian prevalence estimates
Number of Objects: 1
Juxstarepository 3/ Catch a fallen star and put it in your pocket
Number of Objects: 1
Juxtamembrane mutant V560GKit is more sensitive to Imatinib (ST1571) compared with wild-type c-Kit whereas the kinase domain mutant D816VKit is resistant
Number of Objects: 2
JWST/NIRISS Reveals the Water-rich “Steam World” Atmosphere of GJ 9827 d
Number of Objects: 1
Jørn Utzon's reverie of the eye: surfaces of the Sydney Opera House
Number of Objects: 1
Jürgen Habermas: education's reluctant hero
Number of Objects: 1
K-Ar dating of fault gouge in the northern Sydney Basin, NSW, Australia-implications for the breakup of Gondwana
Number of Objects: 1
A K-to-Ka Band Ultra Wideband Power Amplifier in 180-Nm SiGe Technology
Number of Objects: 1
K41 versus k62: recent developments
Number of Objects: 1
Kala-azar in Zambia: first report of two cases
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filter enabled high-speed control of a MEMS nanopositioner
Number of Objects: 2
A Kalman filter for amplitude estimation in high-speed dynamic mode atomic force microscopy
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering for positioning and heading control of ships and offshore rigs: estimating the effects of waves, wind, and current
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering over lossy networks under switching sensors
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering over unreliable communication networks with bounded Markovian packet dropouts
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering with intermittent observations using measurements coding
Number of Objects: 1
Kalman filtering with intermittent observations: on the boundedness of the expected error covariance
Number of Objects: 1
Kamlet-Taft solvation parameters of solvate ionic liquids
Number of Objects: 1
Kanak women and the colonial process
Number of Objects: 2
Kangaroo translocation: program efficiency and welfare goals
Number of Objects: 2
Kant, providence, and the 'guarantee' of progress
Number of Objects: 2
Kapitalfetisch: 'the religion of everyday life'
Number of Objects: 2
Kaposi's sarcoma of the palate in a patient with AIDS: an unusual presentation
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Barth and Jürgen Habermas: transcendental aporias of global civil society
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Barth, Emil Brunner and the subjectivity of the object of Christian hope
Number of Objects: 1
Karl Kautsky's forerunners of modern Socialism
Number of Objects: 2
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Karst morphology and cave sediments as indicators of the uplift history in the Alpi Apuane (Tuscany, Italy)
Number of Objects: 1
Kaspar Holten's production of Szymanowski's King Roger: a test of 'fidelity'
Number of Objects: 1
A katana design experience
Number of Objects: 1