Magnetite Nanoparticles Loaded into Halloysite Nanotubes for Arsenic(V) Removal from Water
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetoelastic coupling and multiferroic ferroelastic/magnetic phase transitions in the perovskite KMnF₃
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetoelastic coupling in the organic radical β- p-NCC₆F₄CNSSN
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetohydrodynamic Boundary Layer Flow Over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet Past a Porous Medium with Uniform Heat Source
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetohydrodynamic Reconnection
Number of Objects: 1
Magnetoseismology: ground-based remote sensing of Earth's magnetosphere
Number of Objects: 2
Magnetospheric ULF waves: a review
Number of Objects: 1
Magnitude and correlates of postnatal care utilization among reproductive aged women in a rural district in eastern Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study
Number of Objects: 1
Magnitude and determinants of obstetric case fatality rate among women with the direct causes of maternal deaths in Ethiopia: a national cross sectional study
Number of Objects: 1
Magnitude of the deuterium kinetic isotope effect during the combustion of methane over a Pd/Al₂O₃ catalyst
Number of Objects: 2
Magnitude, trends and causes of maternal mortality among reproductive aged women in Kersa health and demographic surveillance system, eastern Ethiopia
Number of Objects: 2
Mahler measures, short walks and log-sine integrals
Number of Objects: 2
A Mahler Miscellany
Number of Objects: 1
Mahler takes a regular view of Zaremba
Number of Objects: 1
Main chain selective polymer degradation: controlled by the wavelength and assembly
Number of Objects: 1
Mainline Calvinists, pamphlets and democracy in revolutionary Britain 1641-1646
Number of Objects: 1
Mains water savings and stormwater management benefits from large architecturally-designed under-floor rainwater storages
Number of Objects: 2
Mainstream teacher perceptions of the literacy load of science
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstream teachers' experiences of communicating with students with multiple and severe disabilities
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstream technology as an occupational therapy tool: technophobe or technogeek?
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstreaming approaches for disaster risk reduction in non-disaster risk reduction non-governmental organizations interventions in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 1
The mainstreaming of the extreme right in France and Australia. A populist hegemony?: Mondon Aurélien (book review)
Number of Objects: 1
Mainstreaming, co-optation and countervailing powers: the barriers to and Impacts of AYUSH Integration in Odisha, India
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining a "German" home in Southeast Europe: Transylvanian Saxon nationalism and the metropolitan model of the family, 1918-1933.
Number of Objects: 2
Maintaining capacity for in-practice teaching and supervision of students and general practice trainees: A cross-sectional study of early career general practitioners
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining occupation-based practice in Australian mental health practice: a critical stance
Number of Objects: 4
Maintaining place: resilience as a means of protecting cultural built heritage in the face of natural disasters, a theoretical overview
Number of Objects: 2
Maintaining quality of Japanese-style green tea after harvest
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining the balance: creative practices in university-school partnerships for teacher education
Number of Objects: 2
Maintaining the connections that sustain community
Number of Objects: 2
Maintaining the Contribution of Higher Education to Societal Progress
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining the market life of vegetables held at an ambient tropical temperature by reducing exogenous ethylene
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining the momentum in EOH: issue 1 of the Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, January 1936
Number of Objects: 1
Maintaining the outcomes of a successful weight gain prevention intervention in mid-age women: two year results from the 40-something randomized control trial
Number of Objects: 3
Maintaining the quality of citrus fruits for long term storage
Number of Objects: 1
Maintenance costs and makespan minimization for assembly permutation flow shop scheduling by considering preventive and corrective maintenance
Number of Objects: 1
Maintenance of lifestyle changes at 12-month follow-up in a nutrition and physical activity trial for cancer survivors
Number of Objects: 1
Maintenance of Pregnancy and Parturition
Number of Objects: 1
Maintenance of sister chromatid attachment in mouse eggs through maturation-promoting factor activity
Number of Objects: 2
Maintenance scheduling in a railway corridor
Number of Objects: 2
Maize canopy development in response to increasing plant population density
Number of Objects: 1
Major contaminants of emerging concern in soils: a perspective on potential health risks
Number of Objects: 1
Major eruption-induced changes to the McDonald Islands, southern Indian Ocean
Number of Objects: 1
Major floods - random or irregular?
Number of Objects: 1
Major Pelvic Ring Injuries: Fewer Transfusions Without Deaths from Bleeding During the Last Decade
Number of Objects: 1
Major Round 2001: I. M. Fos Williams, 1922-2001
Number of Objects: 1
Major trauma in the older patient: evolving trauma care beyond management of bumps and bruises
Number of Objects: 2
Major trauma mortality in rural and metropolitan NSW, 2009-2014: a retrospective analysis of trauma registry data
Number of Objects: 1
Majority, minority, and parity: effects of gender and group size on perceived group variability
Number of Objects: 1
Makassar youths use of English in and outside of the school
Number of Objects: 1
Make contact: a comparative study of contact tracing strategies
Number of Objects: 1
Make it Australian: the Australian performing group, the Pram Factory and new wave theatre (book review)
Number of Objects: 1
Make-or-break during production: shedding light on change-orders, rework and contractors margin in construction
Number of Objects: 1
Making a CASE for PACE: components of the Combined Authentication Scheme Encapsulation for a Privacy Augmented Collaborative Environment
Number of Objects: 1
Making a commercial atomic force microscope more accurate and faster using positive position feedback control
Number of Objects: 1
Making a diagnosis of periodic fever syndrome: Experience from a single tertiary centre
Number of Objects: 1
Making a difference: multidimensional citizenship education in a changing world (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
Making a meal of it: food as a symbol of degrees of fiction in the novels of Arthur Upfield
Number of Objects: 3
Making a smart city for the smart grid? The urban material politics of actualising smart electricity networks
Number of Objects: 1
The Making and the Made: The Intersection of Theory and Practice in the Creative Industries
Number of Objects: 1
Making and unmaking prejudice: religious affiliation mitigates the impact of mortality salience on out-group attitudes
Number of Objects: 1
Making climate change fit for capitalism: The corporate translation of climate adaptation
Number of Objects: 1
Making clots and breaking clots: modelling arterial occlusion to test stroke sonothrombolysis
Number of Objects: 2
Making Connections that Count – a Case Study of the Family Referral Service in Schools Program on the Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Making connections: a dialogue about learning and teaching in a tertiary enabling program
Number of Objects: 1
Making decisions about long-term institutional care placement among people with dementia and their caregivers: Systematic review of qualitative studies
Number of Objects: 1
Making digital TV smarter: capturing and reusing experience in digital TV
Number of Objects: 2
Making explicit the implicit knowledge assets in healthcare: the case of multidisciplinary teams in care and cure environments
Number of Objects: 4
Making film and television histories: Australia and New Zealand
Number of Objects: 1
Making friends in high places: exploring the role of institutional status in the social integration of working-class higher education students in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Making friends: social attraction in Larval Green and Golden Bell frogs, Litoria aurea
Number of Objects: 1
Making futures: equity and social justice in higher education timescapes
Number of Objects: 1
Making global audiences for a Hollywood 'blockbuster' feature film: marketability, playability and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Number of Objects: 1
Making green extreme: defending fossil fuel hegemony through citizen exclusion
Number of Objects: 1
Making heads or tails of body inversion effects: do heads matter?
Number of Objects: 1
Making history
Number of Objects: 2
Making impact through industry-focused research: an Asia Pacific perspective
Number of Objects: 2
Making meaning of female-specific trauma, cultural patriarchy, and gender minimisation pre, during, and after the refugee journey from the perspective of women and those who support them
Number of Objects: 1
Making meaning of irreconcilable destruction of innocence: National humanitarian professionals exposed to cybercrime child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Number of Objects: 1
Making meaning of irreconcilable destruction of innocence: national humanitarian professionals exposed to cybercrime child sexual exploitation in the Philippines
Number of Objects: 1
Making mental health help-seeking easier: a rural Australian perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Making Mental Health: A Critical History
Number of Objects: 2
Making music beyond their time: training musicians for a future workforce
Number of Objects: 2
The making of a civil society politics in social work: myth and misrepresentation with the Global Agenda
Number of Objects: 1
The making of a generation: the children of the 1970s in adulthood
Number of Objects: 1
The making of identity and its relation to place and success: the case of 'mainstream' popular music in Newcastle NSW, 1973-1988
Number of Objects: 1
The making of the Newcastle industrial hub 1915 to 1950
Number of Objects: 2
The making of warriors: men, identity and military culture
Number of Objects: 2
Making Reasonable Adjustments for Students with Disability in Australian Mainstream Classrooms: A Scoping Review
Number of Objects: 1
Making research count: what Australian social work researchers think
Number of Objects: 2
Making risk real: urban trees and the ontological politics of risk
Number of Objects: 2
Making robust assessments of specialist trainees' workplace performance
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense and identifying aspects of Indian culture(s) in organisations: demystifying through empirical evidence
Number of Objects: 2
Making sense of adolescent-targeted social media food marketing: A qualitative study of expert views on key definitions, priorities and challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Making Sense of an Interconnected World: How Innovation Champions Drive Social Innovation in the Not-for-Profit Context
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of business process descriptions: an experimental comparison of graphical and textual notations
Number of Objects: 2
Making sense of complex childhood trauma: the power of the therapeutic relationship to derail or validate
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of differences between medical schools through Bourdieu's concept of 'field'.
Number of Objects: 1
Making sense of e-business management through experiential learning
Number of Objects: 2