Obtaining active parental consent for school-based research: a guide for researchers
Number of Objects: 1
Obtaining global equations for the Young's modulus of perfect and defective carbon nanotubes
Number of Objects: 1
Occipital sources of resting-state alpha rhythms are related to local gray matter density in subjects with amnesic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease
Number of Objects: 2
Occupancy models reveal potential of conservation prioritization for Central American jaguars
Number of Objects: 1
Occupants' perceived importance and satisfaction with the indoor environmental quality of a green building
Number of Objects: 1
Occupation analysis and occupational rehabilitation
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational and environmental contributions to chronic cough in adults chest expert panel report
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational differences in suicide mortality among Japanese men of working age
Number of Objects: 1
The occupational dimensions of local labour markets in Australian cities
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational engagement and adults with intellectual disabilities
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational epidemiology in the real world: Irving Selikoff, odds ratios, and asbestosis
Number of Objects: 2
The occupational experience of stroke survivors in a community setting
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational exposures, smoking and airway inflammation in refractory asthma
Number of Objects: 2
The occupational health and safety editorial (editorial)
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational health for health care professionals: caring for the carers (book review)
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational health in fairy tales
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational health issues in marine and freshwater research
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational identity and the military to civilian transition of former serving Australian Defence Force members
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational performance patterns in children with paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome
Number of Objects: 1
The occupational risk assessment method: A tool to improve organizational resilience in the context of occupational health and safety management
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational silica exposure in an Australian systemic sclerosis cohort
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational stress and psychosomatic complaints among health professionals in Beijing, China
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy and obesity: an integrative literature review
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy and physiotherapy in acute stroke: do rural patients receive less therapy?
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational therapy domestic needs assessment: lawyer perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy for military personnel and military veterans experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder: A scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy intervention addressing weight gain and obesity in people with severe mental illness: a scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy medicolegal assessment of domestic assistance requirements: focus group perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Occupational therapy risk assessment in forensic mental health practice: an exploration
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational therapy students’ technological skills: are ‘generation Y’ ready for 21st century practice?
Number of Objects: 2
Occupational violence in general practice: a whole-of-practice problem. Results of a cross-sectional study
Number of Objects: 2
Occupy cosmopolitanism: ideological transversalization in the age of global economic uncertainties.
Number of Objects: 2
Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in long-term biosolid-applied rehabilitation land: An overlooked pathway for microplastic entry into terrestrial ecosystems in Australia.
Number of Objects: 1
Occurrence and origin of andalusite in peraluminous felsic igneous rocks
Number of Objects: 1
Occurrence of and risk factors for complications after endoscopic dilation in eosinophilic esophagitis
Number of Objects: 2
Occurrence of c-kit+ tumor cells in hepatitis B virus-associated hepatocellular carcinoma
Number of Objects: 1
Occurrence of Imipenem-Resistant Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in Pregnant Women: An Insight into Their Virulence Profile and Clonal Structure
Number of Objects: 1
Occurrence, interactive effects and ecological risk of diclofenac in environmental compartments and biota - a review
Number of Objects: 1
Oceanographic boundaries constrain microbial diversity gradients in the South Pacific Ocean
Number of Objects: 1
An octahedral aluminium(iii) complex as a three-fold node for supramolecular heterometallic self-assemblies: solution and solid state chemistry
Number of Objects: 1
Octahedral complexes of a mixed N,N,O-donor ligand N-trans-(2'-hydroxycyclohexyl)-2-aminomethylpyridine
Number of Objects: 1
Octahedral tilting in cation-ordered Jahn-Teller distorted perovskites - a group-theoretical analysis
Number of Objects: 2
Octahedral tilting in the tungsten bronzes
Number of Objects: 1
The ocular response to hyperopic and myopic defocus in the guinea pig eye
Number of Objects: 1
Oculomotor cognitive control abnormalities in Australian rules football players with a history of concussion
Number of Objects: 1
The odds ratio and aggregate data: the 2x2 contingency table
Number of Objects: 1
Odontometric sex variation in Malaysians with application to sex prediction
Number of Objects: 1
Odor Identification Impairment and Change with Cholinesterase Inhibitor Treatment in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Number of Objects: 1
An odor of sanctimony: responses to the Charlie Hebdo murders
Number of Objects: 1
Odours influence visually induced emotion: behavior and neuroimaging
Number of Objects: 1
Oedometer relaxation test
Number of Objects: 2
Oenpelli Kunwinjku kinship terminologies and marriage practices
Number of Objects: 2
Oesophageal eosinophilic infiltration in patients with noncardiac chest pain
Number of Objects: 1
Oesophageal narrowing is common and frequently under-appreciated at endoscopy in patients with oesophageal eosinophilia
Number of Objects: 2
Oestradiol implants for gender-affirming hormone therapy: an observational study of serum oestradiol levels and consumer survey
Number of Objects: 2
Oestrogen fuels the growth of endometrial hyperplastic lesions initiated by overactive Wnt/β-catenin signalling
Number of Objects: 1
Of 'strange synergies' and 'murky ferments': governance discourse and the taming of the Foucault effect
Number of Objects: 1
Of cabbages and kin: the value of an analytic distinction between gifts and commodities
Number of Objects: 1
Of fine wine, incense and spices: the unstable masculine hegemony of the Books of Chronicles
Number of Objects: 2
Of human right and human gain: peak labour organisation in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, 1869-2000
Number of Objects: 1
Of matchers and maximizers: how competition shapes choice under risk and uncertainty
Number of Objects: 1
Of mice and murder: playing cat and mouse with Boris Vian's L'ecume des jours
Number of Objects: 2
Of monkeys and men: impatience in perceptual decision-making
Number of Objects: 1
Of quotidian proportions: the everyday determinants of great modern architecture
Number of Objects: 2
Of violence and chivalry: a case study of divided and oppositional masculinities in industrial conflict
Number of Objects: 1
Of windows and mirrors
Number of Objects: 1
Of windows and mirrors Ambelin Kwaymullina's the tribe series, transformative fan cultures and aboriginal epistemologies
Number of Objects: 1
Off the rails: the cost performance of infrastructure rail projects
Number of Objects: 1
Off with the pixies: the fey folk of the long poems and Catullan disclosure
Number of Objects: 1
Off-axis dose response characteristics of an amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device
Number of Objects: 1
Off-axis parabolic optical relays: almost perfect imaging
Number of Objects: 1
Off-label use of tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors and anakinra at an Australian tertiary hospital
Number of Objects: 1
Off-line testing of reluctance machines
Number of Objects: 1
Office-based assessment of cognitive impairment
Number of Objects: 1
An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: asthma control and exacerbations standardising endpoints for clinical asthma trials and clinical practice
Number of Objects: 1
Official and vernacular public history: historical anniversaries and commemorations in Newcastle, NSW
Number of Objects: 2
Offset-free output feedback predictive control for longitudinal beam dynamics in heavy ion synchrotrons
Number of Objects: 2
Offside! Labour rights and sportswear production in Asia
Number of Objects: 1
Offsite construction skills prediction: A conceptual model
Number of Objects: 1
Offspring of metal contaminated saltmarsh (Juncus acutus) exhibit tolerance to the essential metal Zn but not the nonessential metal Pb
Number of Objects: 1
OGT and OGA expression in postmenopausal skeletal muscle associates with hormone replacement therapy and muscle cross-sectional area
Number of Objects: 1
Oh, the places you'll go!: Newcastle Law School's partnership interventions for well-being in first year law
Number of Objects: 1
Oil body biogenesis and biotechnology in legume seeds
Number of Objects: 2
Oil Monitoring and Fault Pre-Warning of Wind Turbine Gearbox Based on Combined Predicting Method
Number of Objects: 1
Oil shocks and corporate social responsibility
Number of Objects: 1
Okra Micro-Cellulose Crystal (MCC) and Micro-Clay Composites for the Remediation of Copper, Nickel, and Dye (Basic Yellow II) from Wastewater
Number of Objects: 1
Olanzapine in the management of difficult to control nausea and vomiting in a palliative care population: a case series
Number of Objects: 2
Old meets new: the rule in Shropshire's case and the Torrens system
Number of Objects: 1
Old spellings, new methods: automated procedures for indeterminate linguistic data
Number of Objects: 2
Old volatility: ARCH effects in 19th century consol data
Number of Objects: 2
Older adults preferences for long-term caregivers in China: a discrete choice experiment
Number of Objects: 1
Older Australian women's use of dentists: a longitudinal analysis over 6 years
Number of Objects: 2
Older Australians can achieve high adherence to the Mediterranean diet during a 6 month randomised intervention; results from the Medley study
Number of Objects: 1
Older Australians' medication use: self-report by phone showed good agreement and accuracy compared with home visit
Number of Objects: 1
Older drivers in Australia: trends in driving status and cognitive and visual impairment
Number of Objects: 1
Older nurses and work-related factors that impact their mental health and wellbeing: a qualitative systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Older patients' consultations in an apprenticeship model-based general practice training program: a cross-sectional study
Number of Objects: 3
Older people as assets in disaster preparedness, response and recovery: lessons from regional Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Older people in acute care
Number of Objects: 1
Older people playing ball: what is the risk of falling and injury?
Number of Objects: 1