Quality assurance for MRI-only radiation therapy: A voxel-wise population-based methodology for image and dose assessment of synthetic CT generation methods
Number of Objects: 1
Quality assurance in Australian higher education: historical and future development.
Number of Objects: 1
Quality assurance in Vietnamese higher education: a systemic overview
Number of Objects: 1
The quality assurance of volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) plans for early stage prostate cancer: a technical note
Number of Objects: 1
Quality attribute modeling and quality aware product configuration in software product lines
Number of Objects: 2
Quality attributes assessment for feature-based product configuration in software product line
Number of Objects: 2
Quality attributes modeling in feature models and feature model validation in software product lines
Number of Objects: 2
Quality clinical placements: the perspectives of undergraduate nursing students and their supervising nurses
Number of Objects: 2
Quality control mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of genomic integrity in the female germline
Number of Objects: 2
Quality factor enhancement of an atomic force microscope micro-cantilever using piezoelectric shunt control
Number of Objects: 2
Quality improvement research: can it be published? (editorial)
Number of Objects: 1
Quality improvements in prostate radiotherapy: outcomes and impact of comprehensive quality assurance during the TROG 03.04 'RADAR' trial
Number of Objects: 1
Quality in acute stroke Care (QASC): process evaluation of an intervention to improve the management of fever, hyperglycemia, and swallowing dysfunction following acute stroke
Number of Objects: 1
Quality indicators for hip and knee osteoarthritis management in New Zealand: a patient survey
Number of Objects: 1
Quality indicators for the design and implementation of simulation experiences: a Delphi study
Number of Objects: 2
Quality microbiological diagnostics and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, an essential component of antimicrobial resistance surveillance and control efforts in Pacific island nations
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of acute care and long-term quality of life and survival: the Australian Stroke Clinical Registry
Number of Objects: 2
Quality of Care and One-Year Outcomes in Patients with Diabetes Hospitalised for Stroke or TIA: A Linked Registry Study
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of care and the irritable bowel syndrome: Is now the time to set standards?
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of delivery of "right@home": implementation evaluation of an Australian sustained nurse home visiting intervention to improve parenting and the home learning environment
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of dietary intake methodology and reporting in child and adolescent obesity intervention trials: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 2
The Quality of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of environmental impact statements and environmental impact assessment practice in Bangladesh
Number of Objects: 2
Quality of financial reporting in the Asia-Pacific region: the influence of ownership composition
Number of Objects: 2
Quality of Heterogeneous Services with Distributed Resource Management for a WCDMA Uplink
Number of Objects: 1
The Quality of Internet Websites for People Experiencing Psychosis: Pilot Expert Assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life after total laparoscopic hysterectomy versus total abdominal hysterectomy for stage I endometrial cancer (LACE): a randomised trial
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of Life and Attendance in Primary Schools
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life and mental health of women who had cardiac disease in pregnancy and postpartum
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life and mood disorders of mild to moderate stroke survivors in the early post-hospital discharge phase: a cross-sectional survey study
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life and quality-adjusted survival (Q-TWiST) in patients receiving dose-intensive or standard dose chemotherapy for high-risk primary breast cancer
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life following surgical repair of acute type A aortic dissection: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life impact of cardiovascular and affective conditions among older residents from urban and rural communities
Number of Objects: 2
Quality of life in asthma
Number of Objects: 3
Quality of life in caregivers of a family member with serious mental illness: evidence from China
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life is maintained with ixazomib maintenance in post-transplant newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: the TOURMALINE-MM3 trial
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life of individuals seeking treatment at specialist non-government alcohol and other drug treatment services: A latent class analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life research: is there a difference in output between the major cancer types?
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life research: types of publication output over time for cancer patients, a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of life under extended continuous versus intermittent adjuvant letrozole in lymph node-positive, early breast cancer patients: the SOLE randomised phase 3 trial
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of mental health services: consumers’ and providers’ perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of meta-analyses of Genetic Association Studies: a review with recommendations
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of patient-centered care provided to patients attending hematological cancer treatment centers
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of patient-centred care: haematological cancer survivors' perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of patient-centred care: medical oncology patients' perceptions and characteristics associated with quality of care
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of pedagogy and student achievement: multi-level replication of authentic pedagogy
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of referrals and guideline compliance for time to consultation at an acute neurovascular clinic
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of reporting of two-group parallel randomized controlled clinical trials of multi-herb formulae: a survey of reports indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded
Number of Objects: 1
The Quality of Response Time Data Inference: A Blinded, Collaborative Assessment of the Validity of Cognitive Models
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of service and performance optimisation in wireless local area networks
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of service-and fairness-aware resource allocation techniques for IEEE802.11ac WLAN
Number of Objects: 1
Quality of teaching performance in higher education institutions in North Sulawesi Indonesia
Number of Objects: 1
The quality of the evidence base for clinical pathway effectiveness: room for improvement in the design of evaluation trials
Number of Objects: 2
Quality ranking of features in software product line engineering
Number of Objects: 1
Quality Teaching @UON Final Report
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching and aboriginal students, a NSW model
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching and values education: coalescing for effective learning
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching at the University of Newcastle
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching for quality learning : planning through reflection
Number of Objects: 1
Quality Teaching Rounds as a professional development intervention for enhancing the quality of teaching: rationale and study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 2
Quality teaching rounds in mathematics teacher education
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching rounds: strengthening the knowledge base and collaborative processes for teacher professional development
Number of Objects: 1
Quality teaching: 'classroom pedagogical alignment' and why teachers teach as they do
Number of Objects: 1
Quality use of medicine in Malaysia public health system: the role of pharmacist
Number of Objects: 2
Quality versus quantity in end-of-life choices of cancer patients and support persons: a discrete choice experiment
Number of Objects: 3
Quality, rigour and usefulness of free-text comments collected by a large population based longitudinal study - ALSWH
Number of Objects: 2
Quality-oriented software product line
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification for complex assessment: uncertainty estimation in final year project thesis assessment
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of cardiorespiratory interactions based on joint symbolic dynamics
Number of Objects: 2
Quantification of hTERT splice variants in melanoma by SYBR green real-time polymerase chain reaction indicates a negative regulatory role for the β deletion variant
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of in situ nutrient and heavy metal remediation by a small pearl oyster (Pinctada imbricata) farm at Port Stephens, Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of lung tumor rotation with automated landmark extraction using orthogonal cine MRI images
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of Mucosal Eosinophils for the Histopathologic Diagnosis of Eosinophilic Gastritis and Duodenitis: A Primer for Practicing Pathologists
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of Mucosal Mast Cells in the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Primer for Practicing Pathologists
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of pesticide residues in fresh vegetables available in local markets for human consumption and the associated health risks
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of Resistance and Pressure Drop at High Temperature for Various Suction Pressures During Iron Ore Sintering
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of the methylation at the GNAS locus identifies subtypes of sporadic pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib
Number of Objects: 2
Quantification of the pressure distribution on a loaded conveyor belt using a tactile pressure sensor
Number of Objects: 1
Quantification of the safe maximal lift in functional capacity evaluations: comparison of muscle recruitment using SEMG and therapist observation
Number of Objects: 1
Quantified hemodynamic parameters of the venous system in multiple sclerosis: A systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifiers for randomness of chaotic pseudo-random number generators
Number of Objects: 2
Quantifying and assessing the dosimetric impact of changing gas volumes throughout the course of VMAT radiation therapy of upper gastrointestinal tumors
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying Bore-Bore Capture on Natural Beaches
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying changing climate risks and built environments in Australia: implications for lenders, insurers and regulators
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying conjugacy separability in wreath products of groups
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying contextual information for cognitive control
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying coordinative patterns in steady-state running: The impact of footwear and foot strike on joint coupling variability
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying demands on the hamstrings during high-speed running: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying drought risk in a nonstationary climate
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying dynamic facial expressions under naturalistic conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying human post-mortem movement resultant from decomposition processes
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying impacts of drought and heatwaves on mental health in rural Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying in-game task difficulty using real-time cognitive load
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying irrigation water use with remote sensing: Soil water deficit modelling with uncertain soil parameters
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying maximum controllable energy demand in ensembles of air conditioning loads
Number of Objects: 2
Quantifying movement strategies of male athletes with self-reported hip-related and/or groin pain
Number of Objects: 1
Quantifying parameter uncertainty in stochastic models using the Box-Cox transformation
Number of Objects: 4
Quantifying privacy: a novel entropy-based measure of disclosure risk
Number of Objects: 1