Sampling and sampled-data models: the interface between the continuous world and digital algorithms
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling and time-frequency localization of band-limited and multiband signals
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling approximations for time- and bandlimiting
Number of Objects: 2
Sampling aspects of approximately time-limited multiband and bandpass signals
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling behaviour of estimators for the generalized lambda distribution using distributed computing
Number of Objects: 1
A Sampling Control Framework and Its Applications to Robust and Adaptive Control
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling in Paley-Wiener spaces, uncertainty and the prolate spheroidal wavefunctions
Number of Objects: 2
Sampling strategies and biodiversity of influenza A subtypes in wild birds
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling zeros and the Euler-Frobenius polynomials
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling zeros of discrete models for fractional order systems
Number of Objects: 2
Sampling-Based Machine Learning Models for Intrusion Detection in Imbalanced Dataset
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling-efficient path planning and improved actor-critic-based obstacle avoidance for autonomous robots
Number of Objects: 1
Sampling: how you choose people is as important as how you analyse their data
Number of Objects: 2
SamplingCA: effective and efficient sampling-based pairwise testing for highly configurable software systems
Number of Objects: 1
Samsung versus Apple: smartphones and their conscious and non-conscious affective impact
Number of Objects: 2
Samurai's swords, a non-invasive investigation by neutron techniques
Number of Objects: 1
San Gimignano Obscura
Number of Objects: 1
Sand behaviour in terms of the grading curve
Number of Objects: 2
Sand fraction effect on the hydro-mechanical behavior of sand-clay mixture
Number of Objects: 1
Sand mounds for effective domestic effluent management
Number of Objects: 1
Sand slugs formed by large-scale channel erosion during extreme floods on the east Alligator River, northern Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Sand-pipeline-trench lateral interaction effects for shallow buried pipelines
Number of Objects: 1
Sandwich composites made of syntactic foam core and paper skin: manufacturing and mechanical behavior
Number of Objects: 1
Sandwich theorems for semicontinuous operators
Number of Objects: 1
SAPHIRE: stress and pulmonary hypertension in rheumatoid evaluation - a prevalence study
Number of Objects: 2
Number of Objects: 1
Sappho and the feminist movement: twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Number of Objects: 1
Sappho in Australia and New Zealand
Number of Objects: 1
Sappho in the Salons
Number of Objects: 1
Sarcopenia ‘made simple’ and outcomes from emergency laparotomy
Number of Objects: 1
Sartre and meaningful existence
Number of Objects: 1
Sartre: freedom as imprisonment
Number of Objects: 2
Satellite altimetry for geodetic, oceanographic, and climate studies in the Australian region
Number of Objects: 2
Satellite lessons: vocational education and training for isolated communities
Number of Objects: 1
Satellite remote sensing in hydrological data assimilation
Number of Objects: 1
Satire, democracy and the law
Number of Objects: 2
Satisfaction with asynchronous e-learning: An exploratory factor analysis of the Learner Satisfaction with Asynchronous e-Learning (LSAeL) instrument
Number of Objects: 1
A satisficing approach to eliciting risk preferences
Number of Objects: 2
Saturated fat consumption may not be the main cause of increased blood lipid levels
Number of Objects: 2
Saturated fat intake is associated with lung function in individuals with airflow obstruction: results from NHANES 2007-2012
Number of Objects: 1
Saturated fatty acids, obesity, and the nucleotide oligomerization domain-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in asthmatic patients
Number of Objects: 2
A Saturated Map of Common Genetic Variants Associated with Human Height
Number of Objects: 1
Saturated output regulation approach for active vibration control of thin-walled flexible workpieces with voice coil actuators
Number of Objects: 1
Saturation and ducting effects in a brushless doubly-fed reluctance machine
Number of Objects: 2
Saturation-aware control design for micro-nano positioning systems
Number of Objects: 2
Saudi technical college students and an English for specific purposes textbook: a cloze test based linguistic analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Saudi Women's knowledge and awareness of the risk of venous thromboembolism during pregnancy and the puerperium and the practice of ‘lying-in’: a mixed methods study
Number of Objects: 1
Saved from the Streets (poster)
Number of Objects: 1
Saving energy in storage and transport through ethylene control in lieu of low temperatures
Number of Objects: 1
Saving Paris from nostalgia: jumbling the urban and seeing swans everywhere
Number of Objects: 1
Saving Private Hegel: Australian Liberalism and the 1914-1918 war
Number of Objects: 2
Sawfishes stealth revealed using computational fluid dynamics
Number of Objects: 1
SBM policies and programs: Improving teaching-learning environments and student achievements in Indonesia
Number of Objects: 1
Scaffolding industry knowledge on errors in construction estimates
Number of Objects: 2
Scaffolding SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT course with blended learning to improve collaborative task performance - a pilot study
Number of Objects: 2
Scalability and Fragility in Bounded-Degree Consensus Networks
Number of Objects: 1
Scalability in Nonlinear Network Systems Affected by Delays and Disturbances
Number of Objects: 1
Scalability of bidirectional vehicle strings with measurement errors
Number of Objects: 1
Scalability of bidirectional vehicle strings with static and dynamic measurement errors
Number of Objects: 2
Scalable and efficient multi-objective optimization algorithms for visual data exploration
Number of Objects: 2
Scalable controller design for discrete-time multi-agent consensus systems
Number of Objects: 1
A scalable distributed video coder using compressed sensing
Number of Objects: 1
Scalable electrochemical grafting of anthraquinone for fabrication of multifunctional carbon fibers
Number of Objects: 1
Scalable growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes with a highly uniform structure
Number of Objects: 1
A scalable school-based intervention to increase early adolescents' motor competence and health-related fitness
Number of Objects: 1
Scalable Vivas: industry authentic assessment to large cohorts through “debate club” tutorials
Number of Objects: 1
The scale and tidy subgroups for endomorphisms of totally disconnected locally compact groups
Number of Objects: 2
A scale for measuring hygiene behavior: development, reliability and validity
Number of Objects: 1
The scale function and lattices
Number of Objects: 1
Scale functions and tree ends
Number of Objects: 1
Scale independence: the power of photogrammetry
Number of Objects: 1
Scale invariance in finite Reynolds number homogeneous isotropic turbulence
Number of Objects: 1
Scale reduction of a systems coagulation model with an application to modeling pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic data.
Number of Objects: 1
Scale up of a multi-strategic intervention to increase implementation of a school healthy canteen policy: findings of an intervention trial
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-by-scale assessment of the effects of mean shear on the energy budget in decaying turbulence
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-by-scale energy budget in a turbulent boundary layer over a rough wall
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-by-scale energy budgets which account for the coherent motion
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-by-scale turbulent energy budget in the intermediate wake of two-dimensional generators
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-multiplicative semigroups and geometry: Automorphism groups of trees
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-up of the Internet-based Professional Learning to help teachers promote Activity in Youth (iPLAY) intervention: a hybrid type 3 implementation-effectiveness trial
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 12-month implementation outcomes from a cluster randomized controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 24-month implementation and cost outcomes from a cluster randomised controlled trial
Number of Objects: 1
Scales for co-compact embeddings of virtually free groups
Number of Objects: 2
Scales of spatial and temporal variation of small bodied nekton within intermittently closed/open lakes and lagoons (ICOLLs) in south-eastern Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling for investigation of steady-state shear strength of coarse mine-waste which cannot be tested using conventional laboratory equipment
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling limit for subsystems and Doplicher-Roberts reconstruction
Number of Objects: 2
Scaling of mixed longitudinal-transverse velocity structure functions
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling of normalized mean energy and scalar dissipation rates in a turbulent channel flow
Number of Objects: 2
Scaling of sediment dynamics in a laboratory model of a sand-bed stream
Number of Objects: 2
Scaling of small-scale wall turbulence
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling of the diffraction measure of k-free integers near the origin
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling of the turbulent energy dissipation correlation function
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling of turbulent velocity structure functions: plausibility constraints
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling range of velocity and passive scalar spectra in grid turbulence
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling up effective professional development: Toward successful adaptation through attention to underlying mechanisms
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling up population health interventions from decision to sustainability - a window of opportunity? A qualitative view from policy-makers
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling-up a school-based physical activity program: Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1)
Number of Objects: 1
Scaling-Up Adolescent High-Intensity Interval Training Programs for Population Health
Number of Objects: 1