Validity and reliability of an FFQ for use with adolescents in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Number of Objects: 1
The validity and reliability of an interactive computer tobacco and alcohol use survey in general practice
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of field-based measures for assessing movement skill competency in lifelong physical activities: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 3
Validity and reliability of measures assessing social-cognitive determinants of physical activity in low-active Australian adults
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of stillbirth data using linked self-reported and administrative datasets
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of the UTBAS-6 scale for Vietnamese adults who stutter
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of the Vietnamese physician professional values scale
Number of Objects: 2
Validity and reliability of ultrasonographic assessment of femoral and tibial torsion in children and adolescents: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and reliability of using load-velocity relationship profiles to establish back squat 1 m·s<sup>-1</sup> Load
Number of Objects: 1
Validity and responsiveness to change of the Active Australia Survey according to gender, age, BMI, education, and physical activity level and awareness
Number of Objects: 2
A validity framework theory and fatigue damage function for an S–N plane
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of a contact mat and accelerometric system to assess countermovement jump from flight time
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of a measure to assess healthy eating and physical activity policies and practices in Australian childcare services
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of a modified Demirjian system based on an Australian dataset - simple maturity score in age estimation
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of a new structured assessment of gastrointestinal symptoms scale (SAGIS) for evaluating symptoms in the clinical setting
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of a protocol to estimate patients' pre-morbid basal blood pressure*
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of a self-report survey tool measuring the nutrition and physical activity environment of primary schools
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of clinical tests for craniovertebral instability
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of dietary assessment methods to accurately measure energy intake in children and adolescents who are overweight or obese: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of dietary assessment methods when compared to the method of doubly labeled water: a systematic review in adults
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of endurance running performance on the Curve 3TM non-motorised treadmill
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of forensic odontology identification by comparison of conventional dental radiographs: A scoping review
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of four measures in assessing school canteen menu compliance with state-based healthy canteen policy
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of muscular fitness self-assessments in the ecofit smartphone application: A correlation study
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of self-reported cancer diagnoses and factors associated with accurate reporting in a cohort of older Australian women
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of short food questionnaire items to measure intake in children and adolescents: a systematic review
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of skinfold-based measures for tracking changes in body composition in professional rugby league players
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of the Australian recommended food score as a diet equality index for pre-schoolers
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of the Australian recommended food score as a diet quality index for pre-schoolers
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of the common cold questionnaire (CCQ) in asthma exacerbations
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of the Doppler velocimeter in examination of vertebral artery blood flow and its use in pre-manipulative screening of the neck
Number of Objects: 2
The validity of the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale in an inpatient sample with alcohol dependence
Number of Objects: 2
Validity of the stages of change in steps instrument (SoC-Step) for achieving the physical activity goal of 10,000 steps per day
Number of Objects: 1
The validity of the state–trait anxiety inventory and the brief scale for anxiety in an inpatient sample with alcohol use disorder
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of three risk prediction models for dementia or cognitive impairment in Australia
Number of Objects: 1
Validity of using multiple imputation for "unknown" stage at diagnosis in population-based cancer registry data
Number of Objects: 1
Validity, feasibility and acceptability of time trade-off and standard gamble assessments in health valuation studies: A study in a multiethnic Asian population in Singapore
Number of Objects: 1
Validity, reliability and clinical feasibility of a needs assessment tool for people with progressive cancer
Number of Objects: 1
The valley of death: why Australia failed to develop clinically effective drugs in COVID-19
Number of Objects: 1
Valore Australis: constructions of Australian military heroism from Sudan to Vietnam, 1885-1975
Number of Objects: 1
Valorisation of by-products from soy milk processing into marketable ingredients and functional foods
Number of Objects: 1
Valorization of seed and kernel marcs and evaluation of their antioxidant potential
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation Implications of Mandatory CSR Expenditure in India
Number of Objects: 1
Valuation of graduate competencies in architecture
Number of Objects: 1
Value co-destruction: exploring the misintegration of resources and its effects on firms' well-being
Number of Objects: 1
Value creation and capture through human resource management practices: gazing through the business model lens
Number of Objects: 2
Value creation architecture and engineering: a business model encompassing the firm-customer dyad
Number of Objects: 1
Value generation and delivery in long-term service concession projects: the role of facility management in value optimisation.
Number of Objects: 2
The value of an infant: the rise of paediatrics in Australia, 1880-1910
Number of Objects: 2
The value of bedside teaching in undergraduate medical education: a literature review
Number of Objects: 1
The value of compassionate support to address smoking: A qualitative study with people who experience severe mental illness
Number of Objects: 1
Value of dehydrated food waste fertiliser products in increasing soil health and crop productivity
Number of Objects: 1
The value of design in reducing energy use and CO2-e impact over the life cycle of a detached dwelling in a temperate climate
Number of Objects: 1
The value of faith in the provision of welfare: an Australian perspective
Number of Objects: 1
The value of film school in the success of female filmmakers in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
The value of international assignees' knowledge of interpersonal networks: knowledge of people, networks and politics and knowledge flows in multinational enterprises
Number of Objects: 1
The value of new parent groups in child and family health nursing
Number of Objects: 1
Value of the "test and treat" strategy for uninvestigated dyspepsia at low prevalence rates of Helicobacter pylori in the population
Number of Objects: 1
The value of the professional accreditation process in Australasia: Architectural academics perceptions
Number of Objects: 1
The value of time in longitudinal studies of ageing: lessons from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health
Number of Objects: 2
Value of web-based learning activities for nursing students who speak English as a second language
Number of Objects: 1
Value propositions for non-elite business schools in a post GFC world: reflections on business school values
Number of Objects: 1
The value relevance of carbon emissions information from Australian-listed companies
Number of Objects: 1
The value relevance of corporate carbon abatement initiatives
Number of Objects: 1
The Value Relevance of Corporate Investment in Carbon Abatement: The Influence of National Climate Policy
Number of Objects: 1
The Value Relevance of Corporate Social Responsibility Expenditure: Evidence from Regulatory Decisions
Number of Objects: 1
The value relevance of earnings forecast disclosures: an investigation of forecast attributes and signalling in the Australian IPO context
Number of Objects: 2
The value relevance of financial and non-financial information: evidence from recent academic literature
Number of Objects: 1
The value relevance of intangible assets: evidence from the Hong Kong stock market
Number of Objects: 2
Value through innovation in long-term service delivery: facility management in an Australian PPP
Number of Objects: 1
Value to vermin: the donkey in Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Value, identity and place: unearthing the emotional geographies of the extractive sector
Number of Objects: 2
Value-added chemicals from food supply chain wastes: state-of-the-art review and future prospects
Number of Objects: 1
Value-adding to health professional student placement experiences: enhancing work readiness and employability through a rural community engagement program
Number of Objects: 2
Value-in-use creation through resource integration: an exploratory study of international doctoral students
Number of Objects: 1
Valued but tenuous? Postgraduate clinical psychology placements for psychology students in rural and remote areas - implications for future directions
Number of Objects: 1
Values and science in contemporary education: the study and impact of student orientation
Number of Objects: 1
Values and spirituality in social work
Number of Objects: 2
Values as the Pedagogy: Countering Instrumentalism
Number of Objects: 1
Values congruity in tourism and protected areas policy: evidence from adventure tourism supply in New South Wales Australia
Number of Objects: 2
Values education and holistic learning: updated research perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Values Education and quality teaching: two sides of the learning coin
Number of Objects: 2
Values education as good practice pedagogy: evidence from Australian empirical research
Number of Objects: 2
Values education as holistic development for all sectors: researching for effective pedagogy
Number of Objects: 1
Values education for all schools and systems: a justification and experimental update
Number of Objects: 1
Values education through authentic integration: an example
Number of Objects: 1
Values education, efficacious learning and the Islamic connection: An Australian case study
Number of Objects: 1
Values Education, Efficacious Learning, and the Islamic Connection: An Australian Case Study
Number of Objects: 1
Values education, instructional scaffolding and student wellbeing
Number of Objects: 1
Values education, quality teaching and service learning: a troika for effective teaching and teacher education
Number of Objects: 2
Values education, quality teaching, and service learning: the harmony of a new pedagogy?
Number of Objects: 1
Values education: a pedagogical imperative for student wellbeing
Number of Objects: 2
Values education: bridging the religious and secular divide
Number of Objects: 2
Values education: the missing link in quality teaching and effective learning
Number of Objects: 1
Values in action scale and the Big 5: an empirical indication of structure
Number of Objects: 1
Values in technology education: examining four framing orientations from current literature
Number of Objects: 1
The values of citizenship in a cooperative classroom: early career teachers' perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Values pedagogy and student achievement: contemporary research evidence
Number of Objects: 1
Values pedagogy and teacher education: re-conceiving the foundations
Number of Objects: 1
The values we teach: does one size fit all
Number of Objects: 2