${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 What was the impact of a participatory research project in Australian indigenous primary healthcare services Applying a comprehensive framework for assessing translational health research to lessons for the best Framework to Assess the Impact from Translational health research (FAIT) to Lessons from the Best to Better the Rest (LFTB), (2) report on impacts from LFTB and (3) assess the feasibility and outcomes from a retrospective application of FAIT. Setting: Three Indigenous primary healthcare (PHC) centres in the Northern Territory, Australia; project coordinating centre distributed between Townsville, Darwin and Cairns and the broader LFTB learning community across Australia. Participants: LFTB research team and one representative from each PHC centre. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Impact reported as (1) quantitative metrics within domains of benefit using a modified Payback Framework, (2) a cost-consequence analysis given a return on investment was not appropriate and (3) a narrative incorporating qualitative evidence of impact. Data were gathered through in-depth stakeholder interviews and a review of project documentation, outputs and relevant websites. Results: LFTB contributed to knowledge advancement in Indigenous PHC service delivery; enhanced existing capacity of health centre staff, researchers and health service users; enhanced supportive networks for quality improvement; and used a strengths-based approach highly valued by health centres. LFTB also leveraged between $A1.4 and $A1.6 million for the subsequent Leveraging Effective Ambulatory Practice (LEAP) Project to apply LFTB learnings to resource development and creation of a learning community to empower striving PHC centres. Conclusion: Retrospective application of FAIT to LFTB, although not ideal, was feasible. Prospective application would have allowed Indigenous community perspectives to be included. Greater appreciation of the full benefit of LFTB including a measure of return on investment will be possible when LEAP is complete. Future assessments of impact need to account for the limitations of fully capturing impact when intermediate/final impacts have not yet been realised and captured.]]> Wed 28 Sep 2022 14:52:07 AEST ]]> Translation and Impact of Funded Australian Cardiovascular Research: A Review With Perspective Wed 28 Sep 2022 10:57:43 AEST ]]> Evaluation of an online intervention for improving stroke survivors’ health-related quality of life: a randomised controlled trial Wed 28 Aug 2024 08:25:02 AEST ]]> Q fever vaccination: Time to kick the cost bucket? Wed 24 Jul 2024 11:11:21 AEST ]]> An economic evaluation of a specialist preventive care clinician in a community mental health service: a randomised controlled trial Wed 22 Mar 2023 17:27:13 AEDT ]]> High-flow warm humidified oxygen versus standard low-flow nasal cannula oxygen for moderate bronchiolitis (HFWHO RCT): an open, phase 4, randomised controlled trial Wed 20 Mar 2019 10:26:11 AEDT ]]> Evaluation of carer strain and carer coping with medications for people with dementia after discharge: results from the SMS dementia study Wed 14 Dec 2022 15:27:34 AEDT ]]> A cluster randomised trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of physical activity practices in secondary schools: study protocol for scaling up the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) program Wed 12 Feb 2020 15:47:05 AEDT ]]> A cluster randomised controlled trial of an intervention to increase the implementation of school physical activity policies and guidelines: study protocol for the physically active children in education (PACE) study Wed 12 Feb 2020 15:26:21 AEDT ]]> A preliminary analysis of the pharmaceutical provisions in the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement on prescription medicines in Australia Wed 11 Apr 2018 18:51:17 AEST ]]> Australian pharmaceutical policy and the idea of innovation. Wed 11 Apr 2018 16:57:52 AEST ]]> Apunipima baby basket program: a retrospective cost study Wed 11 Apr 2018 15:24:47 AEST ]]> Empowering families by engaging and relating Murri way: A grounded theory study of the implementation of the Cape York Baby Basket program empowering families through a process of engaging and relating Murri (Queensland Indigenous) way. Key influencing conditions of the social environment were the remoteness of communities, keeping up with demand, families' knowledge, skills and roles and organisational service approaches and capacities. Engaging and relating Murri way occurred through four strategies: connecting through practical support, creating a culturally safe practice, becoming informed and informing others, and linking at the clinic. These strategies resulted in women and families taking responsibility for health through making healthy choices, becoming empowered health consumers and advocating for community changes. Conclusions: The theoretical model was applied to improve and revise Baby Basket program implementation, including increased recognition of the importance of empowering families by extending the home visiting approach up to the child's third birthday. Engaging and relating Murri way was strengthened by formal recognition and training of Indigenous health workers as program leaders. This theoretical model of program implementation was therefore useful for guiding program improvements, and could be applicable to other Indigenous maternal and child health programs.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:48:10 AEST ]]> Estimating the economic costs of skin cancer in New South Wales, Australia Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:31:59 AEST ]]> A consumer register: an acceptable and cost-effective alternative for accessing patient populations Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:54:22 AEST ]]> Benefit cost analysis of three skin cancer public education mass-media campaigns implemented in New South Wales, Australia Wed 10 Nov 2021 15:05:21 AEDT ]]> Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 24-month implementation and cost outcomes from a cluster randomised controlled trial 75%). The total cost of the program was $415,112 AUD (2018) ($17,296 per school; $117.30 per student). Conclusions: The adapted implementation intervention provides policy makers and researchers with an effective and potentially cost-effective model for scaling-up the delivery of PA4E1 in secondary schools. Further assessment of sustainability is warranted. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12617000681358 prospectively registered 12th May 2017.]]> Wed 05 Oct 2022 15:25:23 AEDT ]]> Measuring research impact in Australia's medical research institutes: a scoping literature review of the objectives for and an assessment of the capabilities of research impact assessment frameworks Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:49:20 AEST ]]> Economic evaluation of a pre-hospital protocol for patients with suspected acute stroke Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:33:46 AEST ]]> Preventive care practices to address health behaviours among people living with mental health conditions: A survey of Community Managed Organisations Tue 27 Jun 2023 14:00:00 AEST ]]> Prioritising and incentivising productivity within indicator-based approaches to Research Impact Assessment: a commentary Tue 27 Feb 2024 15:11:32 AEDT ]]> Measurement of the translation and impact from a childhood obesity trial programme: rationale and protocol for a research impact assessment Tue 25 Feb 2020 13:22:32 AEDT ]]> Network evaluation of an innovation platform in continuous quality improvement in Australian Indigenous primary healthcare Tue 21 Nov 2023 12:03:58 AEDT ]]> Improving the accuracy of blood pressure measuring devices in Australia: a modelled return on investment study Tue 14 May 2024 15:30:17 AEST ]]> An Australian Biobank Certification Scheme: A Study of Economic Costs to Participating Biobanks Tue 13 Sep 2022 16:03:25 AEST ]]> The impact of a regionally based translational cancer research collaborative in Australia using the FAIT methodology Tue 13 Aug 2024 10:14:48 AEST ]]> Protocol for an effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an m-health intervention to decrease the consumption of discretionary foods packed in school lunchboxes: the 'SWAP IT' trial Tue 07 Apr 2020 15:20:16 AEST ]]> Evaluation of the Effect of a Safe Medication Strategy on Potentially Inappropriate Medications, Polypharmacy and Anticholinergic Burden for People with Dementia: An Intervention Study Tue 06 Feb 2024 11:21:33 AEDT ]]> Treatment of opioid dependence with depot buprenorphine (CAM2038) in custodial settings Tue 04 Oct 2022 11:04:55 AEDT ]]> Systematic review of economic evaluations of interventions for high risk young people Tue 02 Aug 2022 17:40:31 AEST ]]> Delivering an empowerment intervention to a remote Indigenous child safety workforce: its economic cost from an agency perspective Tue 01 Oct 2019 12:35:52 AEST ]]> Measuring research impact in medical research institutes: a qualitative study of the attitudes and opinions of Australian medical research institutes towards research impact assessment frameworks Thu 30 May 2019 15:05:50 AEST ]]> A Benefit-Cost Analysis of BackTrack, a Multi-Component, Community-Based Intervention for High-Risk Young People in a Rural Australian Setting Thu 29 Aug 2024 09:19:49 AEST ]]> A practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy: research protocol for a randomised stepped-wedge cluster trial Thu 28 Oct 2021 12:36:52 AEDT ]]> Measurement of the translation and impact from a childhood obesity trial programme: rationale and protocol for a research impact assessment Thu 28 Oct 2021 12:35:45 AEDT ]]> Strengthening and measuring research impact in global health: lessons from applying the FAIT framework Thu 27 Oct 2022 11:53:21 AEDT ]]> The impact of loss of income and medicine costs on the financial burden for cancer patients in Australia Thu 24 Mar 2022 11:32:37 AEDT ]]> Where should we target our research effort? A data-based model for determining priorities for smoking cessation research and healthcare delivery in general practice Thu 23 Jul 2020 09:03:42 AEST ]]> A multicomponent mHealth-based intervention (SWAP IT) to decrease the consumption of discretionary foods packed in school lunchboxes: Type I effectiveness-implementation hybrid cluster randomized controlled trial Thu 22 Aug 2024 14:12:35 AEST ]]> Economic evaluation of a web-based menu planning intervention to improve childcare service adherence with dietary guidelines Thu 22 Aug 2024 14:07:18 AEST ]]> A randomised controlled trial of an online menu planning intervention to improve childcare service adherence to dietary guidelines: a study protocol Thu 21 Oct 2021 12:52:43 AEDT ]]> The Breathing for Life Trial: a randomised controlled trial of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO)-based management of asthma during pregnancy and its impact on perinatal outcomes and infant and childhood respiratory health 29 parts per billion (ppb), decrease in dose when FENO <19 ppb, and no change when FENO is between 19 and 29 ppb). A long acting beta agonist (LABA) will be added when symptoms remain uncontrolled. Both the control and intervention groups will report on exacerbations at a postpartum phone interview. The primary outcome is adverse perinatal outcome (a composite measure including preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, neonatal hospitalisation at birth or perinatal mortality), assessed from hospital records. Secondary outcomes will be each component of the primary outcome, maternal exacerbations requiring medical intervention during pregnancy (both smokers and non-smokers), and hospitalisation and emergency department presentation for wheeze, bronchiolitis or croup in the first 12 months of infancy. Outcome assessment and statistical analysis of the primary outcome will be blinded. To detect a reduction in adverse perinatal outcomes from 35 % to 26 %, 600 pregnant women with asthma per group are required. Discussion: This trial will provide evidence for the effectiveness of a FENO-based management strategy in improving perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with asthma. If successful, this would improve the management of pregnant women with asthma worldwide.]]> Thu 17 Mar 2022 14:41:14 AEDT ]]> Cost analysis of an integrated aged care program for residential aged care facilities Thu 09 Jul 2020 13:15:41 AEST ]]> An approach to measuring and encouraging research translation and research impact Thu 09 Dec 2021 10:11:43 AEDT ]]> A randomised trial of real-time video counselling for smoking cessation in regional and remote locations: study protocol Thu 07 Nov 2019 10:09:17 AEDT ]]> The effect of zinc supplementation on glucose homeostasis: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial Thu 06 Jul 2023 15:13:05 AEST ]]> Feasibility of a mobile health app for routine outcome monitoring and feedback in SMART recovery mutual support groups: Stage 1 mixed methods pilot study Thu 05 Oct 2023 14:00:13 AEDT ]]> An organisational change intervention for increasing the delivery of smoking cessation support in addiction treatment centres: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Thu 04 Nov 2021 10:39:45 AEDT ]]> Reference pricing, generic drugs and proposed changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:13:58 AEDT ]]> The affordability of prescription medicines in Australia: are copayments and safety net thresholds too high?. Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:05:37 AEDT ]]> The PBS in a globalised world: free trade and reference pricing. Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:01:53 AEDT ]]> Does evidence influence policy? resource allocation and the Indigenous burden of disease study Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:37:54 AEDT ]]> The economic impact of psychological distress in the Australian coal mining industry Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:25:15 AEDT ]]> Australian pharmaceutical policy: price control, equity, and drug innovation in Australia Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:21:08 AEDT ]]> Relational aspects of building capacity in economic evaluation in an Australian Primary Health Network using an embedded researcher approach Mon 26 Sep 2022 16:01:51 AEST ]]> Longitudinal Analysis of Lung Function in Pregnant Women with and without Asthma Mon 22 May 2023 08:45:35 AEST ]]> Evaluation of a safe medication strategy intervention for people with dementia with an unplanned admission: Results from the Safe Medication Strategy Dementia Study Mon 22 May 2023 08:45:20 AEST ]]> Impact assessment of the medical practice assisting (MPA) program in general practice in the hunter New England and central coast regions of Australia Mon 16 Oct 2023 10:45:30 AEDT ]]> Scale-up of the Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1) intervention in secondary schools: 12-month implementation outcomes from a cluster randomized controlled trial  80%). Conclusions: Through the application of multiple implementation support strategies, secondary schools were able to overcome commonly known barriers to implement evidence based school PA practices. As such practices have been shown to result in an increase in adolescent PA and improvements in weight status, policy makers and practitioners responsible for advocating PA in schools should consider this implementation approach more broadly when working with schools. Follow-up is required to determine whether practice implementation is sustained. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12617000681358 registered 12th May 2017.]]> Mon 16 Nov 2020 17:11:49 AEDT ]]> Estimating the cost of an individualised music intervention for aged care residents with dementia Mon 16 Jan 2023 15:24:52 AEDT ]]> Improving academic biobank value and sustainability through an outputs focus Mon 15 Mar 2021 14:54:58 AEDT ]]> Identifying low value pathology test ordering in hospitalised patients: a retrospective cohort study across two hospitals Mon 15 Aug 2022 15:25:08 AEST ]]> Research governance review of a negligible-risk research project: Too much of a good thing? Mon 01 Aug 2022 11:48:21 AEST ]]> Exploring community-based options for reducing youth crime Fri 30 Aug 2024 14:03:30 AEST ]]> Administration of indwelling urinary catheters in four Australian Hospitals: cost-effectiveness analysis of a multifaceted nurse-led intervention n = 1630), 4-months (n = 1677), and 9-months post-intervention (n = 1551). Intervention costs were based on trial records while labour costs were gathered from wage awards. Incremental cost effectiveness ratios were calculated for 4- and 9-months post-intervention and tested with non-parametric bootstrapping. Sensitivity scenarios recalculated results after adjusting costs and parameters. Results: The trial found reductions in catheterisations across the four hospitals between preintervention (12.0 % (10.4 − 13.5 %), n = 195) and the 4- (9.9 % (8.5 − 11.3 %), n = 166 ) and 9- months (10.2 % (8.7 − 11.7 %) n = 158) post-intervention points. The trend was statistically non-significant (p = 0.1). Only one diagnosed CAUTI case was observed across the surveys. However, statistically and clinically significant decreases in catheterisation rates occurred for medical and critical care wards, and among female patients and short-term catheterisations. Incremental cost effectiveness ratios at 4-months and 9-months post-intervention were $188 and $264. Bootstrapping found reductions in catheterisations at positive costs over at least 72 % of iterations. Sensitivity scenarios showed that cost effectiveness was most responsive to changes in catheterisation rates. Conclusions: Analysis showed that the association between the intervention and changes in catheterisation rates was not statistically significant. However, the intervention resulted in statistically significant reductions for subgroups including among short-term catheterisations and female patients. Cost-effectiveness analysis showed that reductions in catheterisations were most likely achieved at positive cost.]]> Fri 28 Oct 2022 14:36:39 AEDT ]]> The Costs of Confronting Osteoporosis: Cost Study of an Australian Fracture Liaison Service Fri 23 Sep 2022 14:03:30 AEST ]]> Comparison of potentially inappropriate medications for people with dementia at admission and discharge during an unplanned admission to hospital: results from the SMS Dementia Study dagger Fri 21 Jan 2022 09:24:17 AEDT ]]> Cost, cost-consequence and cost-effectiveness evaluation of a practice change intervention to increase routine provision of antenatal care addressing maternal alcohol consumption Fri 20 Jan 2023 17:14:47 AEDT ]]> Impact assessment of the Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery Fri 17 Nov 2023 11:23:28 AEDT ]]> Targeting multiple health risk behaviours among vocational education students using electronic feedback and online and telephone support: protocol for a cluster randomised trial Fri 16 Aug 2024 16:04:51 AEST ]]> Effect of asthma management with exhaled nitric oxide versus usual care on perinatal outcomes Fri 13 Jan 2023 11:06:47 AEDT ]]> Resource allocation for depression management in general practice: A simple data-based filter model Fri 12 May 2023 15:09:21 AEST ]]> “Slow science” for 21st century healthcare: reinventing health service research that serves fast-paced, high-complexity care organisations Fri 09 Dec 2022 13:11:38 AEDT ]]> Budget impact analysis of a multifaceted nurse-led intervention to reduce indwelling urinary catheter use in New South Wales Hospitals Fri 08 Sep 2023 12:04:46 AEST ]]> Tensions and Paradoxes of Scaling Up: A Critical Reflection on Physical Activity Promotion Fri 02 Jun 2023 16:24:40 AEST ]]>